Neuroscience discovers lymphatic vessels in the brain
Information on MLD (lymphatic drainage), Neuromuscular therapy, Myofascial Release, Scar tissue massage, Trigger Point, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, BEMER, BioEnergy Therapy, oncology massage, cancer massage, massage, self help exercises, and overall wellbeing.
Use your HSA or FSA for massage
Frozen Shoulder help
Neuroscience explains how Meditation changes the brain
Organs that help to clean up our bodies
Lymphedema Explained
Gain Balance and Strengthen your Back
Spring Clean your Body
Great uses for Essential Oils
Scar Tissue Massage-The Importance of Scar Tissue Release Therapy
Hip Flexor/Psoas Stretch-How it helps YOU
Lymphedema Stretching
Yoga for Neck Tension, Shoulder Tension, Headaches
Gentle Yoga for Neck pain
Myth about Disc Herniations
When to use Ice vs Heat
Self Massage or Myofascial Release for the Neck
Holiday Stress Management