Relieve Sciatic Pain and Piriformis Syndrome
Information on MLD (lymphatic drainage), Neuromuscular therapy, Myofascial Release, Scar tissue massage, Trigger Point, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, BEMER, BioEnergy Therapy, oncology massage, cancer massage, massage, self help exercises, and overall wellbeing.
Pelvic Floor self treatment
Release hip flexors and low back tension
Life without Pain
Neck Exercises for Cervical Spondylosis
Flat Feet and Pain Relief
Best sleep positions
10 Tips for better sleep
What does your poop say about you?
Love yourself; stop the self judgement
Longwell Massage Therapy wishes you a Happy Holiday Season
Happy Halloween
Lymphedema Awareness
Gentle 30 Minute Yoga
10 Minutes to ease Back pain and tension
Self help for tension in the pelvis, legs, and groin using John Barnes Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release
Avazzia Microcurrent to alleviate pain
Blocks to Self-Love
Self help for piriformis syndrome